
Author: birleychiro

Top benefits from sports massage

7th January 2019
Research has shown the many benefits of sports massage. Below are some of the areas we believe to be most beneficial to our patients who receive sports massage in our...

Chiropractic to help treat sciatica

3rd January 2019
Sciatica is a very common complaint we see on a regular basis. The symptoms of sciatica can be very painful and even debilitating. Luckily our experienced chiropractors are here to...

Why do I get more pain when it’s cold?

4th December 2018
It’s that time of year again, the cold damp days have arrived! For some it’s a time to wrap up warm, enjoy walks in Sheffield on bright frosty days and...

Do I need to be an athlete to have a sports massage?

4th December 2018
The short answer to this question is no. Sports massage is beneficial for anyone who suffers from muscular pain, discomfort or injury. Sports massage originated in the professional sporting industry...

Visiting a Chiropractor for the first time

18th October 2018
We get a lot of phone calls to the clinic from people asking what actually happens during a chiropractic consultation. Will there be treatment? Do I need to be referred?...

Seeing a chiropodist in Sheffield for diabetic foot care

18th October 2018
Diabetes in the UK is a growing problem. Statistics taken from Diabetes UK show that 4 million people now suffer from diabetes and this is estimated to reach 5 million...

Is chiropractic maintenance treatment the key to a healthier Sheffield?

18th October 2018
A question we regularly get asked by our patients is, once they have been cured of their complaint, can I keep coming to see you? Over the years we have...

Ten Year Anniversary

28th February 2018
This spring will mark our ten year anniversary. We’ve come a long way from the early days so thought it would be a good idea to give those that are...

All you need to know about nail surgery

29th January 2018
Nail surgery is performed regularly in clinic by our podiatrists. It is something that often gets asked about and we find that many people’s perception is that it’s a gruesome,...

Why Sports Massage and Chiropractic Treatment Compliment Each Other

20th January 2018
Chiropractic treatment when combined with sports massage really does work well together. Many of our patients combine the two treatments to help them on the road to recovery. This isn’t...