Seeing a chiropodist in Sheffield for diabetic foot care

By: birleychiro
Seeing a chiropodist in Sheffield for diabetic foot care
Diabetes in the UK is a growing problem. Statistics taken from Diabetes UK show that 4 million people now suffer from diabetes and this is estimated to reach 5 million by 2025.
Having diabetes can significantly increase the risk of developing serious foot conditions. If symptoms go unnoticed the effects can be devastating, in worst cases it can lead to amputations. As diabetes can potentially be so detrimental we thought it would be good to do a post highlighting the importance of seeing a chiropodist and give you some helpful tips to prevent any problems occurring the future.
Why is seeing a chiropodist in Sheffield such a good idea if I suffer from diabetes?
As with many other NHS services, funding for chiropody in Sheffield has been cut dramatically in recent years. Only high risk patients are now offered routine foot checks. This has lead to many diabetic patients not being given sufficient care they need.
The issue with diabetes and foot care is that if small problems go unnoticed, symptoms that could be normally be treated easily can quickly spiral into something more serious.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause damage to the nerves. When the nerves in the feet are damaged, it becomes harder to feel heat, cold or pain so a simple cut could go unnoticed and become infected. Diabetes also affects blood circulation, especially to the feet. Cuts and sores can take longer to heal and can lead to other complications such as ulcers and infections.
At our chiropody clinic we believe that regular treatment is the key to successfully managing your feet and preventing problems occurring in the future. During your first appointment a thorough assessment is carried out which may include:
- pulse/blood flow tests
- checking heals for cracks or areas of hard skin
- assessment of your footwear
- assessment of your lifestyle
- checking for any corns
- checking for any nail problems
Following an initial assessment our chiropodists can help put together a foot care plan to keep your feet in tip top condition. This usually includes routine foot care such as hard skin removal and nail cutting. A long term plan can then be put in place to help monitor any changes in your foot health over time. By taking this more thorough approach to foot health we believe the risks can be significantly reduced.
Below are a few helpful tips our chiropodists highly recommend to help with your diabetic foot care at home.
- Try to wear shoes that are not too tight or restrictive. Tight shoes can often lead to hard skin, ulcers and problem toenails.
- Avoid walking barefoot outside particularly on the beach or in the garden. The risk of getting small cuts is greatly increased which could potentially lead to infections forming.
- Wash and check your feet regularly.
- Avoid sitting cross legged for long periods of time. This can further restrict blood flow to the feet.
If you are looking for a chiropodist in Sheffield to help maintain your feet we would love to hear from you. We have a team of three highly trained chiropodists at the clinic and all have many years experience in diabetic foot care.