
All you need to know about nail surgery

All you need to know about nail surgery

Nail surgery is performed regularly in clinic by our podiatrists.

It is something that often gets asked about and we find that many people’s perception is that it’s a gruesome, painful procedure that will leave you in pain for days! This is simply not true so we thought we would do a blog post to give you an insight in to what is actually involved and hopefully clear up some common misconceptions about nail surgery.

Nail surgery is a procedure carried out by our podiatrists. It involves the removal or partial removal of a toenail. Partial nail removal is most common procedure that is performed in our clinic. People suffering from painful in growing toenails are the most common candidates for nail surgery. The main aim surgery is to remove the section of nail that is causing the problem and prevent the nail from regrowing in the same area.

Nail surgery can only be performed by a fully qualified and insured chiropodist.  We have a fantastic team of podiatrists here at the clinic and  between them they have almost 40 years experience. They are qualified to degree level and attend regular training courses to keep up to date with the latest research and treatment methods.

First step

If you think that nail surgery is something you my need then the first step is to book a consultation. During the consultation the podiatrist will take a thorough history of the problem area and take a detailed look at the toe. If it is decided that surgery is needed they will then talk you through what to expect and give you some pre-surgery advice. We never book a surgery without seeing you in person first.

What happens during nail surgery

The nail surgery itself lasts for approximately 1 hour. You will be called in to the surgery room and the podiatrist will talk you through what will happen and hopefully put you at ease! The surgery itself is a pain free procedure as the toe will be fully anaesthetised. The anaesthetic is administered through a small needle which will feel like a sharp scratch. You may also feel a bit of pressure around the toe when this is administered. Once your toe is completely numb you can sit back and relax!

The next step is to remove the problem nail. A chemical called phonel is then applied which prevents any regrowth occurring in the future.

After nail surgery

Once your nail surgery has finished your toe will be dressed to prevent any damage to the area and protect against infection. You will then be provided with all the relevant aftercare and advice sheets. Rest is very important for the first couple of days and on the day of surgery you won’t be able to drive.

The next stage is to book a check up appointment usually within five days of your surgery. This is included in the price of the surgery and allows the podiatrists to check that everything is healing correctly and to redress the toe.

Get in touch

If you think that nail surgery might be something you may need then please feel free to give us a call. We understand that having this procedure is a big decision to make but our podiatrists are more than happy to have a chat with you to discuss any questions you might have. We take great pride in our care for all of our patients in the clinic so you can rest assured you will be in safe hands!